Case Study: ZJM Group

Case Study: ZJM Group

Customer Profile

Zhejiang Metals Group Co., Ltd. (ZJM Group) is a large state-owned holding enterprise established in 2003. With total assets exceeding RMB 40 billion and annual sales exceeding RMB 100 billion, ZJM Group is a leading player in the metals industry.


Business Challenge

ZJM Group’s existing ERP system, Microsoft Navision, was no longer able to meet the demands of its growing and diversifying business.



ZJM Group upgraded to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Operations to improve business process efficiency, responsiveness, and risk management.



  • Optimized business processes: Dynamics 365 Operations streamlined operations, improving overall efficiency.
  • Timely procurement and accurate sales management: The new system improved procurement timeliness and sales management accuracy, reducing operational risks and ensuring supply chain stability.
  • Integrated financial and business data: Dynamics 365 Operations integrated financial and business data, enhancing data accuracy and consistency for informed decision-making.
  • Risk management: The new system enhanced ZJM Group’s risk management capabilities through real-time data monitoring and analysis.
  • Future growth support: Dynamics 365 Operations’ flexibility and scalability support ZJM Group’s future business expansion and innovation.



ZJM Group’s successful system upgrade addressed current business challenges and laid a solid foundation for future growth. This collaboration showcases Microsoft Dynamics 365 Operations’ capabilities and provides a valuable case study for other enterprises.

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