Case Study: K.D.Feddersen

Case Study: K.D.Feddersen

Customer Profile

K.D.Feddersen (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as K.D.F) was established in 1998 as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the German K.D.Feddersen Group registered in the Waigaoqiao Bonded Zone, Shanghai. As an exclusive agent for German products, K.D.F enjoys a high reputation in the Chinese market.

Business Challenges

As K.D.F’s product market share continues to expand, new customers and new projects are frequently entering the market. The company’s product structure and business channels are constantly enriched, making the original office mode and project process unable to meet the growing needs. Traditional manual sorting and analysis methods are no longer able to cope with the influx of a large amount of information and business opportunities.


K.D.F chose Microsoft Dynamics CRM as its solution.

Implementation Benefits


  • Establish a unified data platform: Microsoft Dynamics CRM helps K.D.F establish a unified data platform to achieve global shared management of enterprise data. This enables different departments to share information more effectively and improve work efficiency.

  • Optimize workflow: Through the powerful workflow function of Microsoft Dynamics CRM, K.D.F can flexibly modify and solidify the processes of each department. This enables the company to quickly respond to the interaction of internal and external information and to handle project and customer needs more efficiently.

  • Data docking and integration: Microsoft Dynamics CRM provides an excellent data development interface, enabling K.D.F to achieve perfect data docking with third-party ERP systems. This enables the company to integrate data across systems, databases, and development languages, further improving the efficiency and accuracy of business processes.


By introducing Microsoft Dynamics CRM, K.D.F has successfully solved the business challenges it faces and improved the company’s management efficiency and customer service quality. In the future, K.D.F will continue to work closely with Microsoft Dynamics CRM to continuously optimize business processes and achieve greater business value.

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