End to End Solutions for Rolled Products

Beyond mere digitalization, we propel you into uncharted heights.

Drive innovation with leading ERP & CRM software and make smarter decisions faster

Scalable Solutions for Businesses of All Sizes

Tectura 的服务覆盖了中国企业出海的主要目的地国家。除了 Tectura 在亚洲地区自有的专家团队之外,我们还与全球伙伴进行深度的专业合作,充分利用当地资源,确保中国企业的出海项目,获得与国内现场服务水准一致的体验。

Flexible Deployment: Cloud or On-prem

Tectura 的解决方案支持全球多语言、目的地国家和地区对于数据安全和隐私保护的法规。全球领先的数据安全机制。Tectura 提供中国境内的数据中心以及覆盖全球的数据中心,确保境内境外双合规。

High Security and Reliability

Tectura 全球解决方案以微软 Microsoft Dynamics 365 、Azure 为核心的数字基座。独一无二的从产品销售、供应链计划、采购、生产、物流交付、设备资产运维及财务管理的端到端全业务数字化能力。

ERP solutions for rolled products


  • Integrated software with interconnected processes and business flows, unified data.
  • From sales management to procurement and production, unified accounting for prices, costs, quality traceability, and delivery schedules.
  • Specialized discrete management for proactive maintenance, ensuring smooth implementation of production plans.
  • Application of VMI, Kanban management, EDI, Barcode, RFID solutions.
Industries - ERP solutions for discrete manufacturing

Solution Value

Supports customers in achieving refined management of supply chains and production processes, along with financial control, enabling continuous business innovation and enhancing core competitiveness to seize greater profit margins.


  • Powerful financial management to control operational costs.
  • Flexible product management addressing issues of numerous spare parts, diverse product specifications, large data volumes, and complex BOMs.
  • Flexible quoting, order, and project management for swift response to customer needs, ensuring timely delivery capability.
  • Flexible inventory and production management to optimize production process control.

CRM solutions for rolled products


  • Integrated software with interconnected processes and business flows, unified data.
  • From sales management to procurement and production, unified accounting for prices, costs, quality traceability, and delivery schedules.
  • Specialized discrete management for proactive maintenance, ensuring smooth implementation of production plans.
  • Application of VMI, Kanban management, EDI, Barcode, RFID solutions.

Solution Value

Supports customers in achieving refined management of supply chains and production processes, along with financial control, enabling continuous business innovation and enhancing core competitiveness to seize greater profit margins.


  • Powerful financial management to control operational costs.
  • Flexible product management addressing issues of numerous spare parts, diverse product specifications, large data volumes, and complex BOMs.
  • Flexible quoting, order, and project management for swift response to customer needs, ensuring timely delivery capability.
  • Flexible inventory and production management to optimize production process control.

End to end solutions


Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance

Comprehensive financial management software integrating accounting, budgeting, and forecasting for businesses to streamline operations

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Integrated business management solution enabling streamlined operations, from finance and sales to inventory and supply chain, enhancing overall efficiency

Jet Reports

A fast, accurate business reporting solution built for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central that gives you the flexibility to create any report you need directly inside of Excel

Jet Analytics

A complete cloud-deployed reporting and analytics for all Microsoft Dynamics ERP data preparation, automation and modeling solution that enables customers to accelerate BI projects

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management

Efficiently manage supply chain processes from procurement to distribution, optimizing resources and enhancing collaboration across the entire network

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management

Efficiently manage supply chain processes from procurement to distribution, optimizing resources and enhancing collaboration across the entire network

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Integrated business management solution enabling streamlined operations, from finance and sales to inventory and supply chain, enhancing overall efficiency

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales

Optimize sales processes with a comprehensive solution integrating customer data, insights, and collaboration tools to drive revenue and growth

Microsoft 365 Copilot for Sales

An intuitive assistant designed to optimize sales processes within the Microsoft 365 environment by providing smart suggestions and automations

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service

Enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty by efficiently managing support requests and delivering personalized service experiences across all touchpoints

Microsoft 365 Copilot for Service

A helpful tool within the Microsoft 365 suite offering intelligent support and automations to enhance service delivery and customer satisfaction

Microsoft 365 Copilot Studio

An innovative workspace integrated into Microsoft 365, empowering users with intuitive tools for creative collaboration, chatbot, and productivity

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service

Efficiently manage field operations with optimized scheduling, resource allocation, and proactive maintenance to deliver exceptional service experiences for customers

LS Retail (POS & ERP)

Leading unified POS and business management software solutions for retail stores from front to back that combines POS, financials, inventory, eCommerce, and more

Discover the difference: What sets us apart

years of expertise in
ERP & CRM solutions
industry solutions with a
proven success record
satisfied clients in
China since 2001
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