Privacy Policy


This page and its related pages outline the protective measures Tectura and/or its affiliated companies (“Tectura” or “we”) take in handling and controlling personal data related to you (“your personal data” or “your data”), as well as the rights you have regarding the processing of your personal data.


How Does Tectura Protect Your Personal Data?

Tectura places a high priority on your privacy and the protection of your personal data. We aim to ensure that you feel safe and secure when conducting business with Tectura, confident that your personal data is safeguarded.

Tectura strictly adheres to relevant national laws and company data privacy policies to protect your personal data. Additionally, Tectura employs appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized or unlawful processing and/or accidental loss, alteration, disclosure, access, or destruction.

We collect personal data from individuals such as employees, customers, suppliers, business contacts, and website users. If we need to collect data not listed in this privacy statement, we will notify the individuals (as required by law) about the additional data and its intended use.

The categories of personal data mentioned may be obtained directly from you (e.g., information you provide when subscribing to newsletters or commenting on our forums) or indirectly from third parties (e.g., via our website technology). These third parties include our affiliates, public sector entities, public websites and social media, providers, and suppliers.


For What Purposes and on What Legal Basis Do We Use Your Personal Data?

Tectura uses your personal data solely for specific purposes as needed. We will process your personal data for the purposes described above only with your prior consent, and such consent will be limited to the mandatory requirements of applicable laws.

Clicking/checking “I accept”, “I agree”, or similar buttons, checkboxes, or features in this privacy statement will be considered your consent for us to process your personal data, applicable only in countries where such consent is legally mandatory. In all other countries, such actions will be deemed as acknowledgment, and the legal basis for processing your personal data will be any applicable law other than your consent.

We will not use your personal data for purposes beyond those stated, except where required or authorized by law or in your vital interests (e.g., in a medical emergency).


Will We Share Your Personal Data with Third Parties?

We may provide personal data to service providers, professional advisors, public authorities, governmental bodies, or third parties involved in (potential) business transactions. These third parties may be located in other countries/regions. Before conducting such operations, we will take necessary steps to ensure adequate protection of your personal data in accordance with relevant data privacy regulations and Tectura’s internal policies.

For instance, we may disclose personal information to third parties for the following business purposes:

  • Sharing information with service providers offering billing, payment processing, customer service, email deployment, advertising and marketing, security and performance monitoring, maintenance, account servicing, order and transaction processing, customer information verification, research, data hosting, auditing, and data processing services.
  • Protecting and defending Tectura’s, our affiliates’, users’, or the public’s legal rights, safety, and security, including fraud and malicious activity prevention.
  • For other business purposes described in this privacy statement or disclosed to you when collecting the information or obtaining your consent.

We may also share information related to significant corporate transactions, such as the sale of our website, mergers, consolidations, asset sales, initial public offerings, or in the unlikely event of bankruptcy.


How Do We Handle Sensitive Data?

We typically do not collect sensitive data (also known as special categories of data) through this website or otherwise. In rare cases where it is necessary to collect such data, we will do so in strict compliance with data privacy laws and/or with your explicit consent.

“Sensitive data” refers to personal data requiring special treatment (including, in some cases, your explicit consent) under relevant data privacy regulations. These categories include data about race or ethnicity, political opinions, religious, philosophical, or other similar beliefs, union membership, physical or mental health conditions, biometric or genetic data, sexual life or orientation, or criminal convictions and offenses (including information about suspected criminal activities).


Where Do We Process Your Personal Data?

As a global organization with offices and operations worldwide, the personal data we collect may be transferred or accessed across Tectura’s global business entities and branches.


From What Sources Do We Obtain Your Personal Information?

If we do not obtain your personal information directly from you, we may acquire it from publicly available sources (registers or the internet), Tectura employees, contractors, (prospective) board members, shareholders, Tectura affiliates, subsidiaries, newly acquired companies, employers of our contractors, public bodies, public websites and social media, previous employers, educational institutions, suppliers, and vendors (including third-party data providers).


How Long Do We Retain Your Personal Data?

We determine the retention period for your personal data based on necessary procedures. We have specific record management and retention policies and procedures that dictate the deletion of personal data after a reasonable retention period (determined based on the following criteria):

  • We retain your data only during the duration of our relationship (especially if you have an account with us).
  • We retain your data only while your account is active or as needed to provide services to you.
  • We retain your data only as required to comply with global legal and contractual obligations.


What Rights Do You Have Regarding the Processing of Your Personal Data?

You have the following rights (subject to applicable legal provisions and exceptions):

  • Right to access your personal data: You have the right to know if we hold your personal data and obtain information and copies of such personal data (if we hold it).
  • Right to rectify your personal data: You have the right to correct inaccurate or incomplete personal data.
  • Right to object to processing your personal data: You have the right to request Tectura to stop processing your personal data.
  • Right to delete your personal data: You have the right to request the deletion of your personal data, including situations where such personal data is no longer necessary for its intended purpose.
  • Right to restrict the processing of your personal data: You have the right to request Tectura to process your personal data only in limited circumstances (including with your consent).
  • Right to data portability: You have the right to receive a copy of your personal data provided to Tectura (in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format) or request Tectura to transfer such personal data to another data controller.


How Do We Use Personal Data When You Visit the Tectura Website?

Tectura collects personal data on its website in two ways: (1) directly (e.g., information you provide when subscribing to newsletters or commenting on our forums) and (2) indirectly (e.g., through our website technology).

We may collect and process the following personal data:

  • Personal data you provide when filling out forms on the website, including registering to use the website, subscribing to services, newsletters, and alerts, signing up for events, or requesting white papers or other information. Pages collecting such personal data may provide more information on why we need your personal data and how we will use it. Providing this data is entirely up to you.
  • Communication records when you contact us.
  • Survey responses for research purposes, participation is optional.
  • Posts, comments, or other content you upload or post on Tectura websites.
  • Personal data collected by our websites or mobile applications, including your IP address, operating system, device type, device identification number, mobile operating system, and browser type, for system administration, traffic filtering, user domain identification, and statistical reporting.
  • Details of your visits to our websites, including pages viewed and resources accessed or downloaded, including but not limited to traffic data, location data, web logs, and other communication data. See the “Cookies” section below for more information.


Do We Include Third-Party Websites and Programs (or Their Links)?

Our website may include:

  • Links to and from our partners’, advertisers’, and affiliates’ websites.
  • Certain third-party programs (widgets and applications). Please note that in such cases, third parties may process personal data collected through such programs for their own purposes.

We assume no responsibility or liability for such third-party websites or programs. Please review the “Terms of Use” and “Privacy Statements” of such third parties before using their websites and programs or providing any information.


How Do We Use Personal Data Collected from Our Website?

We use personal data for the purposes described in the “For What Purposes and on What Legal Basis Do We Use Your Personal Data?” section and to provide you with requested information, process online job applications, and for other purposes described when collecting the data. For example:

  • Providing requested white papers, articles, newsletters, or other content.
  • Conducting surveys or research questionnaires.
  • Providing a personalized website experience.
  • Contacting you for marketing purposes (with your consent).
  • Analyzing your IP and browser information to optimize website presentation and improve website functionality. See the “Cookies” section below for more information.


How Do We Use Cookies (and Other Tracking Technologies)?

In addition to the information above, the following sections explain how we use cookies and other tracking technologies.

We analyze your IP and browser information to optimize website presentation and improve functionality, ultimately providing the most relevant and personalized website experience for users.

Please refer to our Cookies Policy for more detailed information, including your choices regarding advertising and social media cookies and access to our cookie consent manager.


How Do We Use Personal Data for Marketing Purposes?

Most personal data we collect and use for marketing purposes pertains to employees of our customers and other companies with whom we have business relationships. We may also obtain contact information from public sources (including publicly available content on social media sites) for initial contact with employees of customers or other companies.